Channel: speeches
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Reclaiming King: Five speeches (that aren’t the 'I Have a Dream' speech)

It’s almost gotten to the point where I dread Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s holiday. The antiseptic whitewashing of his words and legacy have essentially been completed in the almost 50 years since his...

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Why Karl Rove's super PAC is running ads against Clinton in Iowa, Occam's...

David Nir, front page poster extraordinaire, suggested earlier today that Karl Rove’s super PAC, American Crossroads, was running a negative ad in Iowa about Hillary Clinton in order to bolster the...

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Details on what Hillary Requires for Her Speeches. From UNLV speech: a Jet,...

Link here, The full contract is at this link as well. Here is the email detailing her standard speaking fee and requirements. Now we know why there don’t seem to be recordings or transcripts of her...

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Oh, about Hillary's "that's what they offered" line...

Link to PDF from hillaryclinton.com:  www.hillaryclinton.com/…Well, hmmm.  It seems like $225K is the going price for Hillary to talk to you.  Do you really think all of these organizations just...

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Shouldn't we demand the same of Bernie?

The question of Secretary Clinton releasing transcripts of her speeches to big Wall Street companies has been raised with increasing force.  This has led Howard Dean to Ask about the speeches Sen....

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Bernie Sanders helping Democrats raise money - from Wall Street

CNNIn recent years, Sanders has been billed as one of the hosts for the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee's retreats for the "Majority Trust" -- an elite group of top donors who give more than...

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2013 Article Reveals Gist of GS Speeches: "No Bank-Bashing"

A 2013 Politico article entitled "Lament of the Plutocrats" provides a second-hand glimpse into the content of one of the speeches that Hillary Clinton did for Goldman Sachs. It evidently included“a...

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"Investing in women is...the smart thing to do" Hillary Clinton

So,  you want to know a flavor of what Hillary speeches could have been about?  How about promoting women entrepreneurs globally?   We know that when women are empowered in developing countries, those...

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When Is Bernie Sanders Going To Release The Transcripts Of His DSCC Speeches...

This is very troubling, for the simple fact CNN is reporting he had nothing negative to say at these elite donor fundraisers. He spoke there and nothing negative about big money in politics? He was...

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HRC's Many Transcript Excuses: The Great Transcript Hunt of 2016

For your viewing pleasure, I cobbled together all of Secretary Clinton’s responses to “where are the transcripts.” Specifically, we want to see transcripts of 12 paid speeches she made at 10 big banks,...

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Hillary Clinton says she won't be releasing the transcripts of Goldman Sachs...

Hillary Clinton said in an interview with George Stephanopoulos that she won’t release the transcripts of her paid speeches unless the Republicans release theirs too. If she were the nominiee, that...

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Hillary's paid speeches revealed: "She sounded more like a Goldman Sachs...

Attendees of several of Hillary Clinton’s paid Goldman Sachs gigs are speaking to the media today.Transcripts or no transcripts, thanks to Politico we finally know What Clinton said in her paid...

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Who needs a transcript? One speech lasting 30 years.

Hillary has said she will not release her transcripts until all the other candidates do.Several people on DK have called for Bernie to release all of his transcripts…Well to be honest, I’m not sure...

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Bernie Accepts Hillary's Challenge to Release Wall Street Speech Transcripts:...

U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders’ campaign on Friday urged Hillary Clinton to keep her word and release the transcripts of speeches she gave to Wall Street firms “when everybody else does.”“Sen. Sanders...

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Speech Transcripts...

Hillary Clinton’s Goldman Sachs speech transcripts are now a campaign issue. Why weren’t they before?  Senator/Candidate Sanders replies to Candidate Clinton’s assertion the Republicans must release...

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A Question About Those Speeches

OK. So, Goldman Sachs holds some private events and they hire HRC to speak for an hour and pay her 675K for 3 speeches, this is not contested.  Now what we’re asked believe is that; Goldman may think...

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The Clinton's Corporate Connections Ensure that They Are Incapable of Leading...

Add Exxon (over $1 mil to Clinton Foundation) who is being investigated by the Justice Dept. for hiding evidence about climate change and JP Morgan ($450 k for speeches) to the list of corporations...

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Hackers For Bernie

It was infuriating last night during the CNN Democratic debate in Flint, Michigan when Hillary Clinton once again smugly refused to release the transcripts of her paid speeches to Goldman Sachs unless...

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Don't Tell Me 250K doesn't affect one's allegiance.

Do not try and tell me 250k per speech doesn’t influence one’s campaign stance or governing world view. You can not tell me it doesn’t.My Bernie Sanders (BS) detector does a ‘yuuuge’ overflow type of...

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Acts, Injuries to the People, Redress and Reconciliation

Hillary Clinton has a problem. It is one she can and ought to address.The Problem: Appearance of Conflict of Interest and Political CorruptionIn the 18 months before launching her second presidential...

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